Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I month, 2 weeks, and 3 days...

Is how long I have been living in Ohio., crazy huh?!? 

I thought once Nick and I got married and I moved up to Ohio that I would become a more consistent blogger, BUT I guess I thought wrong.

 Anyways, let me update you on life in the Midwest.  Only two weeks after I had moved to Ohio, I interviewed at a coffee shop in downtown Troy.  I was hired on the spot, and started the next day.  It blows me away how God works things out.  Long before I joined Nick in Ohio, we had said that it would be awesome for me to get a job at Night Sky.  This job is absolutely perfect for me!  It is a Christian coffeehouse.  I work part time during the lunch hour and the coffeehouse isn’t open on Sundays and Mondays, which works out perfect with Nick’s schedule.  It is flexible and allows me to be very involved with the student ministry at Ginghamsburg.  I am currently training to be a barista, and I’m very excited.

 I have become obsessed with clipping coupons and saving lots of money at the grocery store.  Nick makes fun of me at the amount of time that I spend searching for coupons and reading the weekly grocery store ads.  But just so you know, I saved $34.00 yesterday grocery shopping!

 I love the kids in our student ministry!  I have been blessed to join a 10th grade girls cell group that meets every Wednesday night during Merge.  They have so graciously and lovingly welcomed me in.  They are a great group of girls with tons of God potential. 

 I have some exciting events to look forward to….

My bestest friend and her boo are coming to visit Nick and I the third weekend in April….I cannot wait!  And the third weekend in May my sweet mama is coming to visit!!!!!

 And last but not least, I want to brag on my hubby for a minute….Nick has been absolutely amazing!  My favorite part of everyday is waiting for him to get home from work.  I always get so excited to see him walk through the door.  He is so gentle and compassionate, especially at times when feelings of homesickness hit me like a brick.  I am a lucky girl…what can I say!  It has also been a joy to watch him interact and teach the students.  He is wonderful with them and has a genuine passion to see them grow spiritually. They are crazy about him and it blesses my heart to see the relationships that he is forming with them.